August Member of the Month-Ben Rogerson

Coach Abbie
July 31, 2023
August Member of the Month-Ben Rogerson

Client Success Story Questionnaire  

Name: Ben Rogerson

Age: 44      

Occupation: Post Production Coordinator / Adjunct Faculty

What is your athletic background?  

I played baseball until junior year of high school and I’ve been golfing all my life. I took a hiatus from fitness for about a decade and focused on eating and smoking. I thought I could go pro, but Iike when I thought I could go the majors, I got wise. I lost some weight and decided I needed a challenge/motivation so I signed up for a Sprint triathlon. That snowballed into a couple Chicago Olympic Distance Triathlons and Chicago Marathons. And finally, I picked up gravel cycling a few years ago to supplement Crossfit.

What was your workout routine prior to CF Spero?  

Prior to Crossfit I did all the things while training for triathlons and marathons. I’ve also done P90X (who hasn’t?) and lots of HIIT classes.

What was your first experience with CrossFit? 

My gym was closing and some people were drinking the KoolAid, so I thought I would take a sip. I liked that each WOD was different. My first workout was death by wallball and I could barely walk the rest of the week.

When did you start CrossFit?

I joined Edgewater Crossfit in 2015.

Why did you choose CF Spero?  

My wife and I moved to OP, so I emailed the closest gyms. Later that day, I ran into a guy wearing a Spero t-shirt at Pete’s. It was Dave. We chatted for a bit, and I dropped in. The rest is history.

What keeps you coming back?  

My health, the community, and every WOD is unique.

Why do you live in the Oak Park Area?

In 2016, my wife started med school at Midwestern in Downers Grove. OP was the perfect middle ground. I could still take the train to the South Loop, and we were close to the city. OP reminds me of our old hood, Andersonville/Edgewater.  

What do you do for a living?  

I am the Post Production Coordinator for the Cinema and Television Arts Department at Columbia College Chicago. I teach Editing 1 Studio (intro to video editing using Adobe Premiere) and Digital Imaging Technician and On Set Post Production (advanced workflow using cinema cameras) a couple nights a week.

How do you like to spend your free time?  

Biking, photography, exploring neighborhoods by foot, and reading.

What are one or two improvements you have seen in your life since starting CF?  

I prioritize my health.

What is the biggest change you have seen since starting CrossFit at Spero? 

My strength and endurance. You’d think it would be mobility since that’s all I do, but that hasn’t gotten any better.

What are your goals for 2023?  

Maintain strength and endurance, so I can bike more. I want to focus on longer bike packing trips in 2024. SFL!

What's your favorite and least favorite movement?  

Favorite: Clean. Least Favorite: Wall Walks - this is just getting silly.

What's your favorite meal?  

Breakfast at The Mason Jar in Benton Harbor. This is the best breakfast in America.

What would you say to someone thinking about starting CrossFit at Spero?  

If you want to prioritize your health with like minded people, what are you waiting for. Drop in to a class and see what it’s about.

Anything else you would like to share with the Spero family?  

If anyone wants to bike for beer, bbq, or cheeseburgers, let know, and I’ll set it up.

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